Monday, January 13, 2020

The Bull Case For Commodities

I own commodities because normally one of there's a lot of money printing you protect yourself by owning real assets whether it's silver or rice or whatever it happens to be because if the world economy gets better commodity should do better because of shortages if the world economy doesn't do better then they'll print more money.

Monday, January 6, 2020

This Rally Is Based On Money Printing

It's the first time in recorded history where you have all major central banks printing money at the same time. 

The Japanese said in December, "We will print unlimited amounts of money", that's their word, unlimited. The American central banks said, we can print more too. Then the English said, "Well we will print more!" and Europeans are printing more too. 

This has never happened before. Obviously there's an artificial something going on because it's all based on printed money, staggering amounts of money printing.  This is going to end very badly!