Friday, June 26, 2020

Bitcoin Is Headed To Zero

Virtual currencies beyond the influence of the government will not be allowed to survive—and said the bitcoin price is headed to zero. If the cryptocurrency succeeds as real money, rather than the subject of gambling as it is today, the government will make the cryptocurrency illegal and eliminate it. 

The government likes electronic money. Because with electronic money, you can track when, where, who spent what amount. Governments will have more control over people through electronic money. The government wants to know everything. Controllable electronic money will survive, and virtual currencies beyond the influence of the government will be erased.

Monday, June 22, 2020

The Markets Will Continue Fairly Strong

I would suspect the markets will continue to be fairly strong but the US stock market just made its all-time high because there's so much money being printed and there's so much money being spent and it's gotta go somewhere. But it is going to end, I assure you.

Friday, June 19, 2020

Video Interview: Virus, Debt, Markets

Jim Rogers comments on the current market situation

  • Coronavirus
  • Debt situation
  • Financial markets