Monday, October 21, 2019

Agriculture In Russia Is Booming

Back to agriculture-- prices are still not up. Prices are still down, for a variety of reasons. I mean agriculture has been a disaster for 35 years, as you probably know. I have an agricultural index of agriculture prices. It's down, what, 30, 35 percent over the past 20 years. 

Now there's not much in life where the prices are down 20 percent over the past 20 years, much less over the past 30 years. So, agriculture is a disaster. And often throughout history if you find things that are disasters and you buy them, you may lose money first or you may go bankrupt first, but usually you make a lot of money in the end. 

It's not the first time we've had big cycles in agriculture, in real assets, and probably not be the last time either. But agriculture, back to the point, it's horrendous. It's a nightmare, except Russia by the way. Russia right now, agriculture is booming because America put sanctions and Europe put sanctions on Russia. 

So, Russian agriculture is booming because America has said we're going to hurt the Russians badly. We're going to put sanctions on them. So they did. You couldn't sell food to the Russians. The Russians said we won't buy food from the West. So, now the Russian agriculture is booming. 

And if you ever read any Russian history or novels, you know that historically there have been times when agriculture has been big, big, big in Russia. It is again. I mean America shot-- the West I should say shot itself in the foot because now they've developed this huge booming, thriving industry in Russia.

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