Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Crude Oil: Price Outlook

Normally when things collapse they wiggle around for a while, rally and then they test the bottom, they test the lows again a few days, weeks or months later. And that may be what crude oil is doing now.

I will point out that I keep reading all sorts of bad news about oil but it does not go down to new lows. In my experience when there is a lot of bad news and something does not go down anymore, it means the bottom is forming.

Jim Rogers is a legendary investor that co-founded the Quantum Fund and retired at age thirty-seven. He is the author of several investing books and also a renowned financial commentator worldwide famous for his contrarian views on financial markets.

Successful Investors Do Nothing Most Of The Time

Most of the time many successful investors do nothing. They are either waiting to find things and I have used the expression, wait until something where there is just money lying in the corner and all you have to do is to go there and pick it up.

Wait for a good opportunity, in other words, and if you find a good opportunity you will probably do most of the time waiting too, waiting for it to develop and mature. You need of course to check it all the time to make sure it is still correct, but most of the time, I do nothing and many, many successful investors do nothing most of the time.

Jim Rogers is a legendary investor that co-founded the Quantum Fund and retired at age thirty-seven. He is the author of several investing books and also a renowned financial commentator worldwide famous for his contrarian views on financial markets.

Monday, May 11, 2015

I Bought More Chinese Stocks Recently

You may remember China is my largest country of shareholding. I do own a fair amount in amount, I am not selling, I even bought more recently. It looks like there is a bubble developing and bubbles always end badly. But before they end people can make a lot of money on the upside.

Jim Rogers is a legendary investor that co-founded the Quantum Fund and retired at age thirty-seven. He is the author of several investing books and also a renowned financial commentator worldwide famous for his contrarian views on financial markets.

Buying Russian Government Bonds

I bought some Russian Government Bonds in Rubles last week. The Ruble collapsed, interest rates are very, very high in Russia right now.

Jim Rogers is a legendary investor that co-founded the Quantum Fund and retired at age thirty-seven. He is the author of several investing books and also a renowned financial commentator worldwide famous for his contrarian views on financial markets.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Gold: When to Buy

There has not been a washout yet, a shake out. Too many people who believe that gold is Holy and until some of them give up and throw gold out of the window... I hope I am smart enough to buy when that happens. That can be under 1,000 dollars an ounce. Gold has not been down 50 percent in years, most assets go through 50 percent corrections every 4 or 5 years.

Jim Rogers is a legendary investor that co-founded the Quantum Fund and retired at age thirty-seven. He is the author of several investing books and also a renowned financial commentator worldwide famous for his contrarian views on financial markets.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Gold: Haven`t Been A Buyer For 5 Years

I am not buying gold or silver at the moment. I own them both and have for a long time. I haven`t really been a buyer of gold for about 5 years. Not for technical reasons, because I do not know much about technical analysis. But I do know that gold went up for 12 years in a row, which is unusual and so the consolidation is being unusual too.

Jim Rogers is a legendary investor that co-founded the Quantum Fund and retired at age thirty-seven. He is the author of several investing books and also a renowned financial commentator worldwide famous for his contrarian views on financial markets.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Emerging Markets Part 3: Places To Look Now

Places you can look now, one is Iran. They will probably be terrific eventually. Some of the African countries, Kazakhstan is opening, these are not big markets and they are just starting to open up and change.

If you want to be early, Cuba. There are only 9 million people in Cuba, what can you do? It`s never going to be China.

Jim Rogers is a legendary investor that co-founded the Quantum Fund and retired at age thirty-seven. He is the author of several investing books and also a renowned financial commentator worldwide famous for his contrarian views on financial markets.

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