Friday, March 22, 2019

Korea Will Be The Most Exciting Country In The World

Soon Korea will be the most exciting country in the world. More exciting than China, more exciting than the United Kingdom, more exciting than any country you can think of. 

They have lots of cheap, disciplined labor in the North, they have lots of natural resources in the north, they are right on the Chinese border. You put it together with South Korean capital, South Korean expertise, South Korea market size... It's going to be a country of 80 million people on the Chinese border with cheap labor and lots of natural resources.

Interesting Reading:

Investing: Finding Cheap & Positive Change

If you can find very cheap and positive change you're probably going to be successful. So there's positive change taking place in North Korea.

Interesting Reading:

Ray Dalio - What It Means to Be Principled and Why You Need to Do It 
Ray Dalio - Principle 1.1: Be A Hyperrealist 
Ray Dalio - Principle 1.1A: A Successful Life 
Ray Dalio - Principle Of The Day: Embrace Reality 
Ray Dalio - Principle 1.2: An Accurate Understanding Of Reality

Daily Routines: Exercising & Avoiding Things That Don't Interest Me

I try to exercise every day try to go to the gym every day there's no question about that I can't always do it because of traveler or conflicts or something else but that I try to do and I tried not to I try to avoid things that don't interest me.

Interesting Reading:

Looking For Ways To Invest in Blockchain

"I have not found a way (to invest in Blockchain), a small enough company, (an) independent company where I can invest in blockchain."
- Jim Rogers in The James and Ravi Show, March 2019

Interesting Reading:

Ray Dalio - What It Means to Be Principled and Why You Need to Do It 
Ray Dalio - Principle 1.1: Be A Hyperrealist 
Ray Dalio - Principle 1.1A: A Successful Life 
Ray Dalio - Principle Of The Day: Embrace Reality 
Ray Dalio - Principle 1.2: An Accurate Understanding Of Reality

The Internet Is Changing Everything

The Internet is changing us all it will continue to change it so broad what's it called blockchain any blockchain is going to change everything we know it's gonna put a lot of people out of work a lot of people out of business.
"There German cities that are gonna go bankrupt in the foreseeable future." 
Jim Rogers, in The James and Ravi Show (March 2019)

Keys To Success

You're not gonna be successful doing what your parents or your teachers or your friends tell you to. You're gonna be successful in your own madness. That's how people become successful. They do something they love, they don't listen to other people.

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