Monday, May 11, 2020

Investing: Where To Look

Agriculture is still a disaster. Agriculture's probably got great opportunities. Gold and Silver, some parts of the world that have been smashed like transportation, airlines, tourism anything to do with travel has been killed. I'm also looking into a shipping company in Russia.

Friday, May 8, 2020

The Worst Problem Of My Lifetime

In 2008, the world had a problem because of too much debt. Since then, the debt has skyrocketed everywhere. Even in India and China, everywhere. Ten years ago China had no debt now it has a lot of debt. And next time we have a problem...that we are having now. It will be the worst in my lifetime.

Investing: Silver, India

Monday, May 4, 2020

Investing: Healthcare Over The Internet

I would suggest you find something that has very good growth prospects. I mentioned to you, healthcare over the internet for instance. Now I do not have any names, but that is going to be a great way to make money in the future if you can find he companies that are going to do. Especially in India, it is going to have a great future.

Friday, May 1, 2020

Nations Must Save, Invest & Work Hard

Any economy which saves and invests and works hard always wins out in the future over countries which consume, borrow and spend.

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Putting South Korea On The Watchlist

If Kim Jong Un has passed, nothing has been confirmed to my knowledge, I’ll be putting South Korea on my watch list. Unification of North/South could have more upside than East/West Germany.

Related tickers: iShares MSCI South Korea Index Fund ETF (EWY)

Investing: The Best Advice I Ever Got

The best advice I ever got was on a airplane. It was in my early days on Wall Street. I was flying to Chicago, and I sat next to an older guy. Anyway, I remember him as being an old guy, which means he may have been forty. He told me to read everything. If you get interested in a company and you read the annual report, he said, you will have done more than ninety eight percent of the people on Wall Street. And if you read the footnotes in the annual report you will have done more than one hundred percent of the people on Wall Street.

I realized right away that if I just literally read a company’s annual report and the notes  - or better yet, two or three years of reports - that I would know much more than others. Professional investors used to sort of be dazzled. Everyone seemed to think I was smart. I later realized that I had to do more than just that. I learned that I had to read the annual reports of those I am investing in and their competitors annual reports, the trade journals, and everything that I could get my hand on. But I realized that most people do not bother even doing the basic homework. And if I did even more, I would be so far ahead that I would probably be able to find successful investments.

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