Monday, October 5, 2020

Tech Stocks: A Ticking Time Bomb!

This bull market is getting very old. Several hyped-up stocks are likely to crash when the next bear market comes. A time bomb is ticking in the technology space. 

People are thinking that stocks like Amazon (AMZN) and Alibaba can never go down. I advise investors to read market history that they can go down and they will go down. We will have more bear markets!

When the bear market comes, emerging markets like India will go down a lot. India has been building up debt, and I don’t like that!

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Jim Rogers On China, Technology & COVID

 Jim Rogers speaks about China, global trade, technology and how things will work out post-COVID. A must listen video interview.

"At the moment you know there are problems between the United States and China. Whenever in history politicians have problems they blame foreigners and the Americans are blaming China right now!" 
-- Jim Rogers, American investor

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Books Written By Self-Made Billionaires

Here’s  a list of nine books written by self-made billionaires. They share ideas and concepts to help you succeed in business and in life.

Some of the books on the list are,

  • “Principles: Life and Work”, by Ray Dalio
  • “Shoe Dog: A Memoir By the Creator of Nike”, by Phil Knight
  • “Business @ the Speed of Thought: Succeeding in the Digital Economy”, by Bill Gates
  • “Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead”, by Sheryl Sandberg
  • “How to Win at the Sport of Business: If I Can Do It, You Can Do It”, by Mark Cuban
  • “Zero to One: Notes on Startups, or How to Build the Future”, by Peter Thiel

You can read the complete article on, 9 books written by self-made billionaires to help you succeed in business and in life

"An investment in knowledge pays the best interest." - Benjamin Franklin


COVID: Politicians Are Overreacting

On the newswires right now:


We’ve had worldwide epidemics before but never before have politicians reacted the wrong way.

"In 2009 we had the H1N1 virus in America. Well, they didn't close McDonald's, they didn't close the airports. This time for whatever reason politicians, academics and journalists seem to have overreacted and said we have to close the whole world.

We've had many epidemics and never before have we closed the whole world. So in my view, they made mistakes and that's what has made this so horrible."
- Jim Rogers, September 2020

Ray Dalio Sets Up Tent Offices In The Woods

This is an interesting move to protect workers from COVID:

"Ray Dalio's Bridgewater hedge fund has set up tents in the woods near its headquarters so traders and other staffers can breathe fresh air while they work during the pandemic": Hedge fund Bridgewater set up tent offices in the woods to beat COVID-19

Gold Will Continue To Do Well

I expect gold to continue to make new highs; silver is down about 45 per cent from its all-time high. I would expect silver to make all-time high too, before this is over. Silver is certainly cheaper than gold on a historic basis. I would expect both to continue to do well, because the world is going to have problems in the next few years.

Monday, September 21, 2020

Investing: India Is Hot!

There is so much money being printed nearly everywhere and spent. So it has got to go somewhere. Emerging markets were also beaten down a lot. So we are seeing them rally. Look at what is happening in India. Everyone is investing there now. It is hot!

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