Monday, November 2, 2020

History Is Clear On What Happens Next

Every central bank and every government is spending, borrowing and printing as much money as they can. Markets love it! I'm not sure what the world is going to think about it in a few years.

The Next Bear Market

 - Highlighted quote from the article: 

🗣   ‘It’s good to be old. Young people have a very bleak future ahead of them.’

 - Highlighted quote from the article: 

🗣   "One notable feature of this latest crisis was both how sharply market conditions deteriorated and how quickly they recovered. The actions by central banks and governments around the globe doubtless contributed to this rebound."

America Should Focus More On Long-Term Growth


History tells us competition and openness make us greater. Check out this fruitful dialogue with international investor & author Jim Rogers.

Video duration: 7m08s


America should focus more on long-term growth.

"I wish America would not do what it's doing. I wish that America if it's going to spend money it would spend money on developing infrastructure. In America we're just spending it on making sure people have jobs which is great for the people but it's not good for the long-term growth of America."

Friday, October 30, 2020

Jim Rogers Tips Trump Win

This week's press roundup:

Starting with the interview with Financial Review: Jim Rogers tips Trump win, market 'blow-off'

One of the highlights from this interview was when Jim said, "I am not a betting person at all – but if I was, I would bet Trump was going to win."

In another interview with the Daily Mail Australia, Jim Rogers predicts a dire outlook for Australia:
Australia will suffer a downturn WORSE than the Great Depression

Highlights from this article,

'Governments everywhere and central banks everywhere are printing and borrowing and spending huge amounts of money - as long as that lasts, the markets are very happy'

'Australia could be extremely susceptible because your politicians keep making enemies of people that you shouldn't be enemies of - like China.'

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Trump Is Better For The Stock Market

If Donald Trump wins, the stock market is more likely to stay higher for a while. If the opposition wins, normally what happens is the opposition comes in, cleans out everything they want to clean out, take the pain now so that they can get reelected next time around.

Theoretically if Joe Biden wins it won't be as good as if Mr. Trump wins. Maybe that's what the market has been telling us recently.

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Street Smarts: Animated Book Summary

Here’s an animated book summary of Street Smarts. Enjoy:

The book “Street Smarts” by Jim Rogers is an engaging memoir and also a great source of financial education and investment advice from a person who has traveled all over the world with the purpose to see and understand how the countries’ economies and political regimes have evolved. Learn where the next great place to live will be and which country offers the best investment opportunities at the moment, from a guy who not only delivers financial commentary on TV but walks his talks with great success.

Monday, October 26, 2020

Currencies: No Real Alternative To Invest

I wonder all the time where to put my money and I do not find any place that is really a great alternative to the U.S. Dollar at the moment. The Pound Sterling? Forget it! The Euro currency? Maybe temporarily. The Chinese currency? Yes, but it's a blocked currency! Japan? They have huge problems in Japan.

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