Thursday, December 3, 2020

Greatness Takes Time

"You can't force experience... that takes time. Be patient with yourself and stay the course. With a good plan and persistence, everyday you take step in the direction of your dreams, while those who want it fast without putting in the work give up and quit.

Greatness takes time... stay the course."

-- Mark Minervini, momentum stocks trader profiled in the The Stock Market Wizards

The Secret For Success

My secret for success: When someone has more success than me, I pull up a chair with pad & pen and shut my mouth while I listen and take notes. I'm willing to put my ego aside and learn from success instead of envying it. No matter how successful I get, I maintain this humility.

-- Mark Minervini

PS: Mark Minervini was profiled in the Stock Market Wizards book, the third book from the Market Wizards books written by Jack Schwager. Jim Rogers was profiled in the original book, Market Wizards. 

Bitcoin & Investing Mistakes

 Sharing some interesting reading on Bitcoin:

Bitcoin: A New Kind Of Bubble?

Roubini: Bitcoin Has No Role In Portfolios

The Bitcoin Mania On CNBC

Investing quote of the day, 

“A mistake is not something to be determined after the fact but in light of the information until that point.”
-- Nassim Taleb

Thought of the day,

"When you realize there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you."
-- Lao Tzu

Monday, November 30, 2020

One Very Important Skill Great Traders Have

"One very important skill great traders have is the ability to gauge when to step on the gas and get aggressive and when to ride the brake or even sit out completely. Most of the time you should not be trading very aggressively. Trading requires a lot of patience and stalking."

-- Mark Minervini, momentum stocks trader profiled in The Stock Market Wizards book

Jim Rogers: Technology and Communications

The world works better when we are open & willing to work together.

China is ahead of us in digital money and innovation in general. 

Markets: Biggest Risks in 2021

 Latest article on Reuters: U.S. debt, Fed easy money biggest risks in 2021: Jim Rogers

Topics covered: 2021 biggest risks, the new Administration, the U.S. Dollar and Janet Yellen.

Monday, November 23, 2020

Investing: How You Become Successful

Everybody watching this knows a lot about something whether it's sports, cars, fashion or something else.
You look at it every day, you go on the internet, you read about it because that's what you love. 

When you see a change taking place that you know is going to be successful because you know a lot about that, then do more research and make investments. That's how you become successful!

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