Friday, November 30, 2018

Korea Will Be The Most Exciting Country In The World

Korea is probably going to be the most exciting country in the world once North Korea opens which will and very soon. I mean it's right on the Chinese border, 80 million people, natural resources, cheap disciplined labor... It has lots of things going for it.

Related tickers:
  • iShares MSCI South Korea Index Fund ETF (EWY)

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Agriculture Will Be A Good Place To Invest

Agriculture has been a disaster. In the past 30 odd years Agriculture has been a nightmare. 

The average age of farmers in America is now 58. Nobody wants to be a farm. More people in America study public relations then study agriculture because it's been a horrendous place to be. The highest rate of suicide in the UK is in agriculture.

It's been a nightmare so it's going to change. We've had long periods in history when the agriculture, the producers of real Goods have been an on top followed by long periods when the financial types have been on top but it always changes and is changing again.

Bear Markets: What Gets Hurt The Most

Every time there's been a big bear market the places where everybody has invested those are the ones that get hurt the most.

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Emerging Markets: Zimbabwe

I'm buying Zimbabwe. You know, Zimbabwe was ruined for 40 years by a crazy dictator. There's a new guy, he may be worse, he may be better but he's certainly different. So, you should think about Zimbabwe if you're looking for something to buy.

Monday, November 26, 2018

Crude Oil Prices: Don't Pay Attention To OPEC

Jim Rogers explains why he does not listen to what OPEC says or doesn't say about crude oil when he makes his investment decisions.

When There's A Huge Short Position In Anything It Goes Up

Historically when there's a huge short position in anything it goes up. I was making the point that while I wasn't buying gold and silver there is a huge short position so you're probably going to have a nice rally. That nice rally has proceeded to occur. I'm still not buying but I'm not selling. I'm waiting for a nice collapse in both.

Commodities Will Do Better Than Stocks

"It is the time to buy commodities again. I would say to you, you write it down that commodities are going to do better than stocks in the future." 

- Jim Rogers, interviewed by Sprott Media's Remy Blaire at the NASDAQ MarketSite
(November 20th, 2018)

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