Friday, June 30, 2017

The Sanctions Against Russia Have Helped Russia

In many ways the sanctions against Russia have helped Russia. It has created an agricultural boom, as agriculture is a very strong growth industry right now. It also pushed the Russians together with the Asians and when you go through Moscow or St. Petersburg airport now the Asians are everywhere, (iShares MSCI Emerging Markets Index ETF (EEM), Market Vector Russia ETF Trust (RSX))

Russia: A Hated Market

Russia was hated 3 years ago. Nobody was putting any money there. Well, I was, but most investors weren’t. It’s got to get better and it is getting better, because Russia is getting better. (Market Vector Russia ETF Trust (RSX))

Monday, June 26, 2017

The US Dollar Will Get Overpriced

People will be scared and the US Dollar will get overpriced and may even turn into a bubble before it's over but then when everybody starts saying, "wait a minute this is crazy", when they start looking at the real fundamental situation then they are going to dump their US dollars and we're going to have a gigantic gigantic crisis.

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Why Russian Bonds Are So Attractive

The yields on the Russian government bonds are very high. An investor can get 10 percent in Ruble bonds and in my view the Russian Ruble has stabilized, so it’s a lot better than getting 2 percent in American government bonds.

Russian Agriculture Is Very Prosperous

Russian agriculture is prosperous because nobody can sell to them (due to the sanctions) and they can’t buy any agriculture products from us, so their agriculture is booming. (Market Vector Russia ETF Trust (RSX))

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