Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Market Turmoil Will be Bullish For The US Dollar

I expect market turmoil in the next couple of years but one result of market turmoil is that the  US Dollar is going to go higher because people are going to look for a safe haven now they think the US Dollar is a safe haven for historic reasons. 

VIdeo: Rogers Talks China, Germany, TPP and Agriculture

Jim Rogers talks to Max Keiser about Germany, Russia, China, TPP and agriculture.

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Asian Education vs American Education

Global Economic Summit: Jim Rogers argues that Asian education is better than American education in nowadays.

Friday, July 21, 2017

Benjamin Franklin: Liberty and Security

I don't know if you remember but Benjamin Franklin said during the American Revolution that people who give up liberty for more security usually wind up with less liberty and less security. It happens with us as well.

Investing: Some of the Things I'm Doing

Some of the things I'm doing:

  • I'm investing in agriculture 
  • I've got some precious metals I'm not buying them now because I expect more problems in precious metals first 
  • I own a lot of US dollars because people when their problems they look for a safe haven and the US dollars still considered a safe haven by many people.

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