Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Interest Rates Are Still Very Low

Anybody who thinks these interest rates are high needs to go back and do a little history because these interest rates are the lowest in recorded American history. I mean we never had interest rates this low, this long (the last four or five years). So these are anything but high interest rates on a historic basis. 

That's true everywhere in the world. Interest rates were negative in some countries in the world. Japan has never had such low interest rates, much of the world has never ever had such low interest rates. So, if you think these interest rates are high please do some homework.

Rising Interest Rates Will Ruin Lots Of People

Interest rates at least in America have a long history of long, long cycles. We're now headed up again and interest rates are going to go much, much, much higher over the next few decades and it's gonna ruin a lot of people.

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Life Is Short. Ride Hard & Far.

“Life is short. Ride hard and far. Make it happen."
- Jim Rogers

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

U.S. & China Could Do Fabulous Things Together

Everywhere I've ever been in China the Chinese love Americans and America. They don't like Washington necessarily, I don't like Washington necessarily. But it's just amazing because together we could just do fabulous things together and Washington keeps messing it up.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Life In Asia

I realized when I first came to China in the eighties that China would be the next great country in the world and I used to tell people to teach their children Mandarin. Both of my daughters are fluent in Mandarin. The little one is just now in a Chinese movie as a matter of fact.

Friday, January 11, 2019

Global Fintech Innovation Summit

Tomi Wen (Huobi China CEO) have been awarded the "Distinguished Blockchain Individual" at Global Fintech Innovation Summit and the award was handed out by Jim Rogers.

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Markets: You Are Going To See Bankruptcies in China

In 2008 China had huge amounts of money saved for a rainy day. It started raining and they started spending the money and helped save the world.

But now even China has debt. China has a lot of debt so in the next time around you gonna see Chinese companies with debt to deal with. The good news is Beijing has said they are going to let them go bankrupt. I hope they mean it. In America we don't let people go bankrupt but in China they say they are going to let people go bankrupt. I hope so. It will be a shock to a lot of people including me and I just told you it's going to happen. You are going to see bankruptcies in China because they have a lot of debt now.

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