Friday, February 1, 2019

India: This Budget Does Not Make India More Attractive To Investors

As far as I'm concerned it's another case where it's India is going deeper and deeper into debt.

I know politicians try to buy as many votes as they can and mr. Moody's doing a very good job of preparing for the next election. 

I don't consider it good for India, I don't consider it good for the world and it certainly doesn't make India more attractive to me and perhaps not to other investors either.

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Federal Reserve: An U-Turn On Monetary Policy

Peter Schiff gives a fantastic explanation of the current state of the stock market and how the Federal Reserve has made an 180 degree on monetary policy when the stock markets crashed in the forth quarter of 2018. 

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Trade War: Trump Thinks He Is Smarter Than History

This is madness. Trade wars have never been good for anybody. Nobody has ever won a trade war. Unfortunately, Donald Trump does not know history or if he knows history, he thinks he is smarter than history. He thinks, "I can win a trade war!". He does not know what he is doing, you should be worried. If you are not worried, read some more and you will get worried!

Monday, January 28, 2019

Higher Inflation Will Translate Into Higher Interest Rates

In periods of slow inflation people don't notice it so much. But when inflation starts rising rapidly then people notice it and they take action with their investments and other things as well. But certainly when inflation is here and coming back and getting stronger, interest interest rates are going to go higher because people have to be paid more on their money when inflation is here because the money's losing value every day. People want to compensate for that with higher interest rates.

Friday, January 25, 2019

Investing: The Most Exiting Country In The World

In a recent interview with a Korean TV show ‘Tonight – Kim Jedong’, Jim Rogers said that the most exiting country in the world to invest in, is one that doesn't exist yet — a unified Korea. Here is the complete article: United Korea to become “most exciting country”: Jim Rogers

Investing: Agriculture, Pollution Control

Jim Rogers was recently Korean talk show where he talked about promising investment areas like agriculture, pollution control and an Unified Korea. You can read the article here: Agricultural Stocks Surges on Jim Rogers Comments

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Governments Prefer Inflation To Deflation

Unfortunately governments usually wind up with inflation because it's easier for governments that way. It's easier to print money, it's easier to borrow money, it's easy to spend money and ultimately that leads to more inflation.

Inflation makes people unhappy too but governments can at least do something or think they can do something. Deflation makes everybody angry and governments usually cannot do much except revert to inflation again.

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