Monday, July 13, 2020

COVID 19: Politicians Are Making Huge Mistakes

Jim Rogers comments on the money printing mistakes being done from Central Banks and governments all over the world.

Friday, June 26, 2020

Bitcoin Is Headed To Zero

Virtual currencies beyond the influence of the government will not be allowed to survive—and said the bitcoin price is headed to zero. If the cryptocurrency succeeds as real money, rather than the subject of gambling as it is today, the government will make the cryptocurrency illegal and eliminate it. 

The government likes electronic money. Because with electronic money, you can track when, where, who spent what amount. Governments will have more control over people through electronic money. The government wants to know everything. Controllable electronic money will survive, and virtual currencies beyond the influence of the government will be erased.

Monday, June 22, 2020

The Markets Will Continue Fairly Strong

I would suspect the markets will continue to be fairly strong but the US stock market just made its all-time high because there's so much money being printed and there's so much money being spent and it's gotta go somewhere. But it is going to end, I assure you.

Friday, June 19, 2020

Video Interview: Virus, Debt, Markets

Jim Rogers comments on the current market situation

  • Coronavirus
  • Debt situation
  • Financial markets

Friday, May 29, 2020

Money Printing & Deficit Spending: It Will End Badly

There's an election in November in the United States. None of those guys care about you and me or other people or young people like my kids. They care about the election. They want to print and spend and borrow as much money as they can to win the election. 

We're all gonna pay a very difficult price afterwards. The amount of debt that has been added... America was already the largest debtor nation in the history of the world and in the last month they have added staggering amounts of debt and they continue to add more and they're printing more money.

Nowhere in the history of the world has that kind of action done good things. Maybe in the short term it does good things but nowhere in history has it done good things in the long term.

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Will Markets Ever Be The Same Again?

“We could have asked the same question (will financial markets ever be the same?) after the Spanish flu, the collapse of 1929, …after the huge collapse of 2008 and 2009.

And you know what? Yes, they are always the same. Human being always get greedy. They always get scared and panic. They have not repealed the laws of fear and greed…

You can go back to an tragedy and any triumph you want to and people said the same thing: Will things be the same later? And they always were… People are always talking about the lessons of history. The main lesson of history is people don’t learn the lessons of history…”

Emerging Markets: Macro & COVID-19

In this episode of Ahead of the Curve, Real Vision guides viewers on a journey of understanding through the present and future of emerging markets.

Michael Nicoletos, co-founder and CIO of AppleTree Capital, speaks with Jim Rogers, chairman of Beeland Interests and famous emerging markets investor in Singapore. They talk about the next move for the dollar, which emerging markets he is currently investing in, and why he looks for disaster when he is deploying capital.

Then, Real Vision’s own Roger Hirst speaks with Mark Mobius, partner at Mobius Capital Partners, in Germany. Mobius breaks down the importance of technology, travel, and other macroeconomic factors that impact emerging markets. He explains why he believes the recovery could be as fast as the meltdown.

Nicoletos then speaks to Dr. Simon Ogus, founder and CEO of DSG Asia Limited. Dr. Ogus talks about the impact of COVID-19 on emerging markets through his view from Hong Kong. He relates the Asia-specific perspective on the impact of the virus on currencies, growing alternatives to Chinese manufacturing, and the future of globalism. Filmed May 11-15, 2020.

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