Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Japan: Investing Outlook

Japan does have some serious, serious problems. It certainly has serious problems, the demographic problem is probably the worst in the world. It is the first time in their recorded history that they have a declining population and the birth rate is such that there won`t be any Japanese 100 years from now unless something happens.

You combine that with staggering internal debt, it is the highest internal debt of any country in the world and I just don`t know what is going to happen 20 years from now in Japan.

I own the currency (Japanese Yen) at the moment, I own a few Japanese shares. They do have the advantage that they are in Asia and their largest trading partner is now Asia as a whole and specifically China. So that is helping them.

Overall, I can imagine not having any money in Japan 5 or 10 years from now, unless they do something about the staggering internal debt problem and the demographic problem.

Jim Rogers is a legendary investor that co-founded the Quantum Fund and retired at age thirty-seven. He is the author of several investing books and also a renowned financial commentator worldwide famous for his contrarian views on financial markets.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Reserve Currency: The World Is Moving Away From The U.S. Dollar

There is no question that the world has a problem with its reserve currency, the U.S. Dollar is a terribly flawed currency. The same thing occurred to the British Pound once upon a time and it lost its status. The same thing as happened to every currency in history. Will it happen anytime soon? I do not think so, but the world is moving away from the dollar.

Jim Rogers is a legendary investor that co-founded the Quantum Fund and retired at age thirty-seven. He is the author of several investing books and also a renowned financial commentator worldwide famous for his contrarian views on financial markets.

Money Is A Complicated Product

Money is a complicated product. It can be a source of great happiness for some people but for the most people is a source of problems and misery. So I hope that everybody learns to understand money at an early age.

The first thing that children have to know about money is that it is hard to get. Second is that they should not waste it and third is that they should save. If you get those 3 basics down you got a good start.

Then you need to learn to invest it and you need to learn how to get the best returns, you need to learn how to spend it in order not to spend it unwisely.

Jim Rogers is a legendary investor that co-founded the Quantum Fund and retired at age thirty-seven. He is the author of several investing books and also a renowned financial commentator worldwide famous for his contrarian views on financial markets.

Monday, May 25, 2015

Video: Money Lessons For Kids

Jim Rogers is a legendary investor that co-founded the Quantum Fund and retired at age thirty-seven. He is the author of several investing books and also a renowned financial commentator worldwide famous for his contrarian views on financial markets.

Friday, May 22, 2015

U.S. Dollar: I Own A Lot Of Them

I own it at the moment because there is such turmoil, people will be seeking the safe haven of the U.S. Dollar. The U.S. Dollar is not a safe haven I assure you, but people think it is, so I own a lot of them.

Jim Rogers is a legendary investor that co-founded the Quantum Fund and retired at age thirty-seven. He is the author of several investing books and also a renowned financial commentator worldwide famous for his contrarian views on financial markets.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Some Day We Are All Going To Pay The Price For All This Money That Has Been Printed

Some day we are all going to pay the price for all this money that has been printed and all this debt which has been piled on the Central Banks balance sheets and everybody else`s balance sheets. It is not going to be fun when you pay the price.

Jim Rogers is a legendary investor that co-founded the Quantum Fund and retired at age thirty-seven. He is the author of several investing books and also a renowned financial commentator worldwide famous for his contrarian views on financial markets.

Video: Fund Experts Forum (Jim Rogers)

Jim Rogers is a legendary investor that co-founded the Quantum Fund and retired at age thirty-seven. He is the author of several investing books and also a renowned financial commentator worldwide famous for his contrarian views on financial markets.

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