Friday, January 9, 2015

Bullish on Japanese Stocks

I own Japanese shares at the moment. I will probably buy more. But long term, Japan is a disaster. I mean, they have a declining population, skyrocketing internal debt, they are debasing their currency...

Debasing your currency has never been a viable way to revive a country, even in the medium term. It helps in the short term but its a disaster in the long term. So, Mr.Abe, the prime minister will go down in history as the person who ruined Japan. No question about that. In the meantime, I own Japanese shares, I will probably buy more. He is putting through things that have helped and will help the stock market. Giving incentives to the Japanese to buy shares, he is persuading the pension funds to stop buying government bonds and to buy shares. He is doing a lot to help the stock market.

But I want to emphasize, in the end it is going to be a nightmare for Japan but in the mean time its good for stock brokers.

Related trading instruments: Nikkei 225 Index Futures

Thursday, January 8, 2015

When A Few Producers Go Bankrupt, Oil Will Go Much Higher

In the energy markets, what is happening there, its a political situation that is taking place. Unfortunately, when they bankrupt a few producers, such as the fracking companies, I am afraid oil is going to go much, much higher.

Related exchange traded funds: Energy Select Sector SPDR ETF (XLE), United States Oil Fund LP ETF (USO);

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Is The Commodities Bull Market Over?

I don`t know if this commodities bull market is over, I happen to think it is not. But we are having a major correction , which is normal in markets. That is the way markets have always worked.

I do not see enough permanent supply in most commodities, except maybe in iron ore and a couple of other commodities. I don`t see enough permanent supply to end the bull market unless we are going to have an economic collapse. We could and will eventually.

I am especially optimistic about agriculture at the moment.

Related Exchange Traded Funds: SPDR Gold Trust ETF (GLD), United States Oil Fund LP ETF (USO), PowerShares DB Agriculture Fund (DBA)

Monday, January 5, 2015

Investing: When Thing Are Collapsing

If things are collapsing you should be looking that way, not running away. So I am looking to increase my investments in Russia.

Related exchange traded funds: Market Vector Russia ETF Trust (RSX)

Monday, December 29, 2014

Huge Currency Moves Will Cause Trouble

We have got huge currency moves all over the world. The Japanese Yen is down over 50 percent in 2 years. The Euro Currency has collapsed, the Canadian Dollar, the Australian Dollar, the Ruble is certainly one the big ones.

We are going to have some more big dislocations in the world economy because when major currencies, the Japanese Yen for instance is one of the most important currencies in the world, when you have these dislocations, somebody is on the wrong side of the trade. I don`t know who they are obviously, but somebody is long and somebody is short. And the people that are long currencies, when huge moves like these take place, are in trouble.

If you owe a lot of U.S. Dollars for instance, you are suffering right now, wether you are in Japan, in Russia, in Venezuela, wherever you happen to be.

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Can Russia Diversify From Oil?

Russia can. Russia has vast alternative assets. They have got huge agriculture prospects, metals, minerals. Look at the map. You will see they have just about everything and they probably have things they don`t even know about yet.

You look at Venezuela, or Iran, or Mexico. It is much, much more difficult for them to switch quickly from oil to something else. But even for Russia, you do not do this overnight. Yes, Russia can change.  Will they do it quickly? Of course not. It takes a long time.

Related exchange traded fund: Market Vector Russia ETF Trust (RSX)

Friday, December 26, 2014

Looking For Russian Stocks To Buy

I am looking for Russian stocks to buy as this happens. For instance, I am a director of a large Russian fertilizer company, one of the largest in the world. They sell in U.S. Dollars, their expenses are in Rubles. This helps people like that. Now, there are not many people in Russian that particular circumstance.s but if you find companies like that, that are selling their products in U.S. Dollars and their expenses are in Rubles, my Godness! This is a bonanza for them.

I am looking at companies that are not oil related because there are plenty of ways to invest in oil but trying to find companies such as PhosAgro, which is the company I have become a director, which have these particular circumstances.

Related stocks: PhosAgro OAO(MCX:PHOR)

Related ETFs: Market Vector Russia ETF Trust (RSX)

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