Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Some Parts Of The Chinese Economy Are Going To Do Well

Some parts of the Chinese economy are going to do well no matter what happens to the world. If you are in pollution clean up in China you will not even know if America and Europe disappear as you are too busy cleaning up China. China is philty right now.

Some parts of the Chinese are going to do extremely well no matter what happens and that is true for India, that is true of all the world.

Jim Rogers is a legendary investor that co-founded the Quantum Fund and retired at age thirty-seven. He is the author of several investing books and also a renowned financial commentator worldwide famous for his contrarian views on financial markets.

Monday, January 18, 2016

In A Serious Panic, Crude Oil May Hit 20 Dollars

As you know, normally when prices go up, they go up too high and turns into bubbles and hysteria and when they go down, panic and fear sets in and markets overreact to the downside.

It looks to me that we are going to have an overreaction in many markets on the downside. How low can Crude Oil go? I think I have said 32 dollars a barrel last time. But who knows? If the kind of panic that we see now sets in, you pick the bottom. I do not know. I am not smart enough. People talk about 20 dollars a barrel. Why not in a serious panic? That is not my prediction but it is what some people are saying and in a serious panic everything overshoots on the downside.

Jim Rogers is a legendary investor that co-founded the Quantum Fund and retired at age thirty-seven. He is the author of several investing books and also a renowned financial commentator worldwide famous for his contrarian views on financial markets.

Friday, January 15, 2016

Markets: Everything Is Going To Get Smashed

It seems to be that now we are in a period where everything is going to get smashed. I have been around long enough to know that periodically we have everything going down, it does not matter if it is good or bad, everyone just throws everything out of the window because they are in a panic. It seems to me that we are in that kind of period now. These periods are not fun, many people get hurt, including me.

Jim Rogers is a legendary investor that co-founded the Quantum Fund and retired at age thirty-seven. He is the author of several investing books and also a renowned financial commentator worldwide famous for his contrarian views on financial markets.

Markets: My Shorts Positions Are Bigger Than My Longs

China is overdue for a serious correction in the markets. China has not had a recession for many years and that is very unusual. I own China but I have shorted other things as hedges against it. And by the way, my shorts are bigger than my longs, so its not a 1 for 1 kind of thing.

Jim Rogers is a legendary investor that co-founded the Quantum Fund and retired at age thirty-seven. He is the author of several investing books and also a renowned financial commentator worldwide famous for his contrarian views on financial markets.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Long China, Short Junk Bonds & Tech Stocks

I am long China and I am short American junk bonds, I am short some other American stocks, I am short the technology stocks. As you probably know there have been 4, 5 or 9 stocks in America that never go down. I am short those stocks. (iShares FTSE/Xinhua China 25 Index ETF (FXI), SPDR Barclays Capital High Yield Bond ETF (JNK))

Jim Rogers is a legendary investor that co-founded the Quantum Fund and retired at age thirty-seven. He is the author of several investing books and also a renowned financial commentator worldwide famous for his contrarian views on financial markets.

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